
AR 擴增實境於時尚產業之應用/AR Enhanced Reality in the Fashion Industry

  擴增實境(AR)在時尚產業中的應用提供了許多創新方式來增加附加價值,這包括改善顧客體驗、增強品牌互動以及提供個性化選項。本專題計畫允許顧客在不需要實際試戴帽子的情況下,透過智能手機或鏡子即時看到自己模擬戴帽的樣子。這不僅提升了購物體驗,還能減少因穿戴導致的衛生問題。未來這些數位資產也有助於公司運用於預測消費者偏好,並設計符合市場需求產品。 The use of Augmented Reality (AR) in the fashion industry offers a number of innovative ways to add values to SMEs, including improving the customer experience, enhancing brand interaction and providing personalization options. This project allows customers to see themselves in a simulated hat on a smartphone or mirror in real time, without actually trying on the hat. This not only enhances the shopping experience, but also reduces hygiene issues associated with wearing hats. In the future, these digital assets will also help the company to anticipate consumer preferences and design products that meet market needs. 歡迎一起來開發...   AVR 開發平台 Zap Works

生成式AI於創新教育之應用 Generative Artificial Intelligence for Innovative Education

  所謂生成式AI源自賽局理論,當二個神經網路: 偽造者及辨別者進行博奕時 ,因為偽造的資料在演化後會逼近真實 ,所以會真假難辨 。 近期熱門的ChatGPT 、 圖人工智慧合成圖片 、 音樂或電影皆緣此而生 ,有興趣深入探究者可參考: Generative Adversarial Networks The generative AI comes from the game theory, when two neural networks, the generator and the discriminator, play a game, it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake because the fake data will be close to the real one after the evolution. The recent popularity of ChatGPT, nearly fake pictures or fake films are all caused by this, if you are interested in exploring this in depth, please refer to. 在創新教育領域 , 生成式AI也逐漸帶來了很多衝擊跟變革 ,請參考如何把課堂轉為與學生積極互動及體驗的遊樂場..... Considering the innovative education for the future, generative AI is also gradually bringing a lot of impact and change, please refer to how to turn the classroom into a playground for active interaction and experience with students ..... 歡迎下載投影片運用

整合3D列印之繪圖, 切片及監控之雲端服務 A integrated cloud service for modeling, slicing and monitoring of 3D printing

  3D列印技術的正式名稱為「積層製造」 ,常見用途除了製作模型、玩偶之外,對科技的發展更帶來很大突破,譬如3D列印技術可以幫忙製造汽車、飛機的部分大小零件,對高附加價值且少量多樣之產品(如軍用品, 客製化醫療或航太用品) ,3D列印製造 比傳統的零件開模製造速度快很多!!! The official name of 3D printing technology is ‘Layered Manufacturing’, the common use of this technology is not only to make models and dolls, but also to bring great breakthroughs in the development of advanced technology. For example, 3D printing technology can help to make some parts of cars and planes, and for high value-added and small quantity of multi-specialty products. For examples, considering the field of military, customised medical or aerospace products, 3D printing can be much faster than the traditional moulding of the parts! !!! 本專題展示如何用開源 FreeCAD + Kiri:Moto + OctoPrint 整合成一氣呵成之 繪圖, 切片及監控之雲端服務... This topic shows how to integrate Open Source: FreeCAD + Kiri:Moto + OctoPrint into an all-in-one modeling, slicing and monitoring cloud service... 有興趣嗎? 更多參考資料 大型3D列印機

利用Thinger.io快速建立物聯網專案的原型 Rapid Prototyping of Internet of Things Projects with Thinger.io

                               Thinger.io 是 什麼? Thinger.io 為一開源物聯網平台專案,它提供了每個原型設計所需的工具,可以以非常簡單的方式對連接的產品進行原型設計,擴展和管理 。 Thinger.io目標是使物聯網的使用在全世界被普羅大眾了解及上手,並簡化大型專案開發流程。 What is Thinger.io? Thinger.io is an open source Internet of Things platform project that provides the tools needed to prototype, scale and manage connected products in a very simple way. Thinger.io's goal is to make the use of the Internet of Things accessible to the general public worldwide and to simplify the development of large-scale projects.

智慧農鄉與綠色永續 Smart Agriculture and Green Sustainability

  「 智慧農鄉 彰化的綠色永續之路 」 身為農業大縣的彰化縣政府積極思考如何透過科技的介入,攜手產官學界推動智慧農業,讓農民由被動化主動,在千里之外就能一手掌握農作物狀況。 As a large agricultural county, the Changhua County government is actively thinking about how to intervene through science and technology, joining hands with industry, government and academia to promote smart agriculture, so that farmers can take the initiative from being passive to being able to grasp the status of their crops from thousands of miles away.

結合ChatGPT的聊天機器人WebEx Bot Cisco WebEx Bot combined with ChatGPT

本專題 用 思科 (Cisco) 的 WebEx bot,並使用OpenAI  ChatGPT  的 AI 能力創建出一教育訓練用機器人。這個 WebEx bot 將幫助你回答有關風力發電教的專業問題。如果你想一起建立這個 WebEx bot ,進行相關教育訓練或客製化開發 ,歡迎與本工作室聯繫 。 大葉大學研發風電維修AR 在教室遠端實習50公里外的機具

AR於家具展示及VR於教學助教 AR for Furniture Display and VR for Teaching Assistants

  AR是指 利用攝影機或相機來與 現實世界 結合與互動  VR就是利用電腦產生一個 三維空間的虛擬世界 ,讓使用透過沉浸感身歷其境 ,目前在3D電玩中應用非常普遍 以下我們展示一個AR於家具展示應用及一個VR於教學助教應用;  AR用下圖Meta 眼鏡開發 ,VR則結合Unity 及 ChatGPT AR refers to the use of cameras to integrate and interact with the real world.  VR uses  computers to create a three-dimensional virtual world, allowing users to experience the real world through a sense of immersion, and is currently very common in 3D video games.  We show an AR application for furniture display and a VR application for teaching aid, AR is developed with Meta glasses as shown below, while VR is combined with Unity and ChatGPT.